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About Us & Our Goal

17th Forward North Carolina was founded on January 17th, 2023, under the previous name No Exceptions North Carolina. After some administrative changes, we renamed our organization on October 27th, 2023 to clarify our purpose in uniting all North Carolinans to achieve a common mission.


We are a not-for-profit human rights organization uniting all North Carolinians from all walks of life to move forward with a statewide constitutional amendment to remove an exceptions clause currently found in Article 1, Section 17 of our state’s Constitution, which allows involuntary servitude as a punishment for crime, akin to slavery or human trafficking. Our sole mission as an organization is to remove that exceptions clause to make it clear that no person in our state, irrespective of their status, is subjected to the evils of involuntary servitude and its derivatives to include slavery and human trafficking.


As patriotic Americans loyal to the principles of individual freedom, choices, and opportunity, we outright and unequivocally oppose ideologies that exist to undermine these values such as involuntary servitude and their derivatives to include slavery and human trafficking. No person in our state, irrespective if they are residing civilly, in custody, or have been duly convicted should be tortured with these perils.

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